Novell GroupWise 8
Blackberry Enterprise Server 4.1.7
Blackberry Enterprise Server 5.0.1
Items created with no From field information are not synchronizing to Blackberry devices after upgrade from BES 4.1.7 to BES 5.0.1. These items are usually posted appointments.
Users who are created on BES 5.01 do not experience the issue. The problem is only going from BES 4.1.7 to BES 5.0.1. While GroupWise does allow the creation of appointments with no From field information, there is an issue getting these items to sync to the devices after the upgrade of the BES server.
The fix will be coming from RIM in their MR3 for BES 5.0.1. Their ETA for this release is the May/April 2011 time frame. RIM has, however, come out with a Quick Fix, based on their recent MR2 release, which should be available to customers by the end of the week of March 21st.