Sentinel Log Manager upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1 - data disk space problem.

  • 7008091
  • 09-Mar-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Sentinel Log Manager 1.0
Sentinel Log Manager 1.1 upgrade


Upgrading from SLM 1.0 to 1.1 and getting a no space available message.

The upgrade from SLM 1.0 to SLM 1.1 attempts to copy data to /var when /var is mounted on a different volume than /opt.  If the SLM 1.0 data stored in /opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr_1.0_x86-64/data is larger than the /var volume the copy will fail.  If /opt and /var are on the same volume, then the data is moved and you will not see this problem.


The best option is to create a /var mount point with the necessary space.  If this is not possible currently, then a temporary workaround can be used to relocate the entire SLM installation with the following --location=DIRECTORY option.
Note:  This option may cause problems with future upgrades. Use this option with caution!!

Do the following:
1. Create a directory on the desired volume.
2. Run install-slm with the --location=DIRECTORY option and specify the new directory on the desired volume.

For example:
mkdir /opt/novell/slm

./install-slm --location=/opt/novell/slm

This will result in SLM being installed in the following directories, all under the /opt directory:



