Why does it take multiple seconds to delete a file on OES?

  • 7008070
  • 07-Mar-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3


For some non-LUM enabled users, it takes up to 7 seconds to delete a single file off of an NSS volume.  If there are multiple, linked/embedded files; it will take up to 7 seconds per linked file.  For example, if you have a presentation (1 file) with 12 embedded image or other type files, it can take up to 13*7, or 91, seconds to delete the presentation & it's embedded images. 

Depending on the software application (i.e. Microsoft PowerPoint), the user would experience the same delay when saving updates to the presentation as the application deletes the original files before marking the save complete.

If the same user is LUM-enabled, the deletions are sub-second.


An architecture change has been made with the delete process such that it is much more efficient.  These changes have been included in OES2SP3 as of the August 2011 maintenance update.

Additional Information

Before the architectural change, there were 2 ways to speed up the delete operations:
  •  run "ncpcon set KEEP_NSS_FILE_DELETOR_IDS=0", or
  •  LUM-enable the user
    (NOTE: this second option can be a quick test to verify the information in this TID can help)
If you obtain a packet trace, you will see something similar as follows:

Time    Protocol    Description
0.000    NCP        C Delete a File or Subdirectory: <file_path/name>
0.041    TCP        ACK
3.901    NCP        R OK

When LUM-enabling the user, or changing the value of KEEP_NSS_FILE_DELETOR_IDS to 0 , the packet trace may show the following improvement in time:

Time    Protocol    Description
0.000    NCP        C Delete a File or Subdirectory: <file_path/name>
0.009    NCP        R OK

NOTE: by setting KEEP_NSS_FILE_DELETOR_IDS=0, you can still salvage files (if enabled on the volume) but will not be able to tell who deleted the file.