MTA or POA fails to load when loaded from the Cluster Load Script

  • 7007964
  • 21-Feb-2011
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux
Domain and Post Office has some numbers in their name (Example - mygw2dom/mygw2po)


MTA or POA does not load using the Cluster Resource but loads fine manually
POA fails to load but MTA loads twice using the Cluster Resource
ERROR: "/usr/sbin/rcgrpwise: line 288: ${len}: substring expression < 0" while using rcgrpwise script


If the Domain or Post Office name has a number in it and there is a file matching that number in the directory from where "rcgrpwise " or "/etc/init.d/grpwise " script is run, an error "/usr/sbin/rcgrpwise: line 288: ${len}: substring expression < 0 " is seen and if the MTA or POA is loaded from cluster, it fails to load or sometimes loads one agent twice without loading the other agents
Domain Name - mygw2dom
Post Office Name - mygw2po.mygw2dom
The Domain and Post Office Name has number 2 in it and if a file called 2 is created in the / directory and "rcgrpwise status " command is run from the / directory, it would fail with the above error message. However, if "rcgrpwise " script is run from any other directory it works fine. However, when the MTA/POA is loaded from the Cluster, it switches to / directory and runs the start/stop commands from there. This would cause the MTA/POA not to load or to load one agent twice
Workaround Steps:
Workaround is to remove the file that matches the number in the Domain/Post Office Name from the / directory. In the above example, file called 2 would be need to be removed from / directory

Not on Cluster
Run the "rcgrpwise " commands from any other directory that does not have a file that matches the number in the Domain/Post Office.
On Cluster
  1. Edit the Cluster Load/Unload Script using iManager.
  2. In the Cluster Load and Unload Script, before the /etc/init.d/grpwise start and stop commands, please type "cd /var/ " or switch to any other directory that does not have a file that matches the number in the Domain/Post Office Name.
  3. Save the changes made to the Cluster Resource.
  4. Offline and online the Cluster resource using iManager or from the Terminal Session.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

Information on editing the Cluster Load/Unload Script can be found in the following link. Please click on the following link and click on "Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources"
Information on Offlining/Onlining the resource can be found in the following link
Steps to Duplicate
  1. Install and Configure a Domain/Post Office with a number in its name. For example "mygw2dom " and "mygw2po "
  2. Now switch to / directory and type "rcgrpwise status " or "rcgrpwise start " or "rcgrpwise stop " and it should work fine
  3. Now create a file called 2 in the / directory by typing "touch /2 " and press Enter.
  4. Now switch to / directory and type "rcgrpwise status " or "rcgrpwise start " or "rcgrpwise stop " and it should fail with the above error message.