Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management
When configuring L4 switch setup in location servers, if the L4 name is entered as DNS name, then the agents can't communicate with the primary servers behind the L4 switch.
[ INFO] [02/18/2011 11:34:02.890] [388] [ZenworksWindowsService] [3] [] [ZenCertificatePolicy] [ZMD.CertificatesDoNotMatch] [The certificate presented by the server does not match the known certificate for host] [] []
[DEBUG] [02/18/2011 11:34:03.109] [388] [ZenworksWindowsService] [3] [] [ConnectMan-ping] [] [status: TrustFailure] [] []
[DEBUG] [02/18/2011 11:34:03.109] [388] [ZenworksWindowsService] [3] [] [ConnectMan-ping] [] [The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.] [] []
[DEBUG] [02/18/2011 11:34:03.109] [388] [ZenworksWindowsService] [3] [] [ConnectMan-ping] [] [status: TrustFailure] [] []
[DEBUG] [02/18/2011 11:34:03.109] [388] [ZenworksWindowsService] [3] [] [ConnectMan-ping] [] [The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.] [] []
All the https requests are marked bad. No assignments are found.
This is fixed in version 11.2.2 - see KB 7010757 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2.2 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7010757
Workaround: if it is not possible to upgrade to ZCM 11.2.2 at this time, in the interim, Novell has made a Patch available for testing, as part of a Monthly patch update: it can be obtained at https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=zKIz21tONFg~ as "ZCM 11.2.1 Monthly Update 2 - see TID 7010729". This update should only be applied if the symptoms above are being experienced, and are causing problems.Please report any problems encountered when using this Patch, by using the feedback link on this TID.
When configuring the L4 setup, when prompted for the L4 server, use IP address instead of DNS name.
Devices already registered and having problems may need to unregister and register again.