Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2
Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 1
Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 2
Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 1
Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 2
Internet mail address of a personal contact has changed from an internal to an external address.
Mail send to this personal contact is undeliverable.
The mail is send with the wrong left part of the internet mail address.
Mail send to this personal contact is undeliverable.
The mail is send with the wrong left part of the internet mail address.
Solved in GroupWise 2012 SupportPack 3 or later.
Additional Information
A user has created a contact in his Personal address book with an external internet address. Later he changes this to a mail address that is known within the GroupWise system. After a synchronize on this contact or a nightly user upkeep, the contact is linked to the GroupWise System. If this internet mail address is a preferred internet mail address (meaning in C1 something has been changed for this user), changing the internet address to an external address later will cause problems. Checking the properties of the contact, still shows the preferred part. And when sending a mail, this preferred address will be put before the @. As this is a system setting, an user can not change this. The only work-around found sofar is to make a dummy change to this contact in WebAccess. Hopefully the steps-to-duplicate will explain it more.
Checking the properties of the contact still shows that the "Preferred Email ID" is Jane.Doe.
A user has created a contact in his Personal address book with an external internet address. Later he changes this to a mail address that is known within the GroupWise system. After a synchronize on this contact or a nightly user upkeep, the contact is linked to the GroupWise System. If this internet mail address is a preferred internet mail address (meaning in C1 something has been changed for this user), changing the internet address to an external address later will cause problems. Checking the properties of the contact, still shows the preferred part. And when sending a mail, this preferred address will be put before the @. As this is a system setting, an user can not change this. The only work-around found sofar is to make a dummy change to this contact in WebAccess. Hopefully the steps-to-duplicate will explain it more.
- in a GroupWise system create a user: LRZUSER. Under GroupWise|Internet Addressing change the preferred internet address to Jane.Doe.
- start the GroupWise client and login as a user, not being LRZUSER.
- open the addressbook and select you personal addressbook.
- create a new contact with the following information:
Last Name: Duck
Given Name: Duffy
Internet mailaddress: Duffy.Duck@somewhere.bla - open the contact and change the mail address to Jane.Doe@domain, where domain is the iDomain from the GroupWise system. Save and close the contact.
- right click on the addressbook and select entire addressbook. Under view enable "System Book Links". Their will be the link symbol before Duffy Duck.
- open the contact and under advanced look for "Preferred Email ID". There should be standing Jane.Doe. Select the Contact tab and change the mail address back to Duffy.Duck@somewhere.bla. Save and close the contact.
- right click on the addressbook and select entire addressbook. The link symbol is not visible anymore
- send a mail to this contact.
- check the properties of the mail send under 9). Expected would be that it has been send to Duffy.Duck@somewhere.bla, but instead it has been send to Jane.Doe@somewhere.bla.
Checking the properties of the contact still shows that the "Preferred Email ID" is Jane.Doe.