Novell iPrint for Linux
What is the purpose of the iPrintiCMPrinterList attribute?
What do the numbers mean on the iPrintiCMPrinterList attribute?
Do I need to synchronize the iPrintiCMPrinterList attribute?
What do the numbers mean on the iPrintiCMPrinterList attribute?
Do I need to synchronize the iPrintiCMPrinterList attribute?
The iPrintiCMPrinterList attribute is used by the iPrint Client Management (iCM) feature of iPrint. iCM is used to aid workstation deployment of iPrint printers. An administrator can set certain printers to be installed on certain machines, remove 'rogue' printers, and overall simplify the maintenance of the workstation printing environment.
One of the attributes used in this process is: iPrintiCMPrinterList
It is divided in three sections: (Note: The sections are divided by the # sign.)
iPrintiCMPrinterList: cn=printername,ou=container,o=container#1297802746#1
The first section is the name of the printer to be added / removed.
The second section is a unix time stamp from when the ICM setting was enabled
The third section indicates the operation: 1 to install the printer 2 to remove the printer
One of the attributes used in this process is: iPrintiCMPrinterList
It is divided in three sections: (Note: The sections are divided by the # sign.)
iPrintiCMPrinterList: cn=printername,ou=container,o=container#1297802746#1
The first section is the name of the printer to be added / removed.
The second section is a unix time stamp from when the ICM setting was enabled
The third section indicates the operation: 1 to install the printer 2 to remove the printer