Novell SecureLogin 7.0
Virus scanning software installed
Virus scanning software installed
Anti-Virus programs incorrectly label Novell SecureLogin (SSO) as a threat.
What files should be excluded from virus scans?
What files should be excluded from virus scans?
Although not all virus scanning software negatively interacts with SecureLogin, some software packages require certain files / locations be excluded to ensure smooth SecureLogin operation.
The locations are:
c:\Program Files\Java\<Java version>\lib\ext\javasso.jar
c:\Program Files\Java\<Java version>\lib\ext\xbean.jar
c:\Program Files\Novell\SecureLogin\<all securelogin .exe at this location>
The locations are:
c:\Program Files\Java\<Java version>\lib\ext\javasso.jar
c:\Program Files\Java\<Java version>\lib\ext\xbean.jar
c:\Program Files\Novell\SecureLogin\<all securelogin .exe at this location>
C:\Program Files\Novell\SecureLogin\Desktop Automation Services\*.exe
Additional Information
Depending on your preferred virus scanning utility, any or all of the above exceptions may or may not to be made.