How to create SLM reports listing event sources, current offsets and plug-ins used to process data

  • 7007745
  • 31-Jan-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Sentinel Log Manager


Creating reports to show what event sources are currently reporting events to Sentinel Log Manager, its current offset, and the collector plugin used to parse events.


Create a custom Jasper report based in the following query:

evt_src.evt_src_name as EVT_SRC_NAME,
evt_src_collector.evt_src_collector_name as COLLECTOR_NAME,
evt_src_grp.evt_src_grp_name as CONNECTOR_NAME,
sentinel_plugin.sentinel_plugin_name as COLLECTOR_PLUGIN,
evt_src.evt_src_id as EVT_SRC_ID,
evt_src_offset.offset_timestamp as EVT_SRC_OFFSET
evt_src, evt_src_offset, evt_src_grp, evt_src_collector, sentinel_plugin
evt_src.evt_src_id = evt_src_offset.evt_src_id AND
evt_src_grp.evt_src_grp_id = evt_src.evt_src_grp_id AND
evt_src_grp.evt_src_collector_id = evt_src_collector.evt_src_collector_id AND
sentinel_plugin.sentinel_plugin_id = evt_src_collector.sentinel_plugin_id

In order to create a custom report you must use JasperForge iReport, which is a graphical report designer for JasperReports. These custom reports can include additional database fields that are not presented in the Sentinel Log Manager interface. For more information about database fields, file and format requirements for report plug-ins, see the Sentinel SDK Web site.

Sentinel Plug-in SDK | Reports

There is also a training session focused on Report plug-in development:

Additional Information

Sentinel Log Manager has a two tier persistence scheme for saving offset values. It saves the value to a local file cache, then every 15 minutes it reads this local cache and saves the updates to the database. Thus, the query above does not report real-time data rather it reports the last offset saved into the database.

For more information about reporting development, check out the Transfer Training Elluminate Session for this 6.1r5 release (recorded 1/28/2010, approx 1 hour 10 minutes). This particular training session focuses on Report plug-in development.