Novell Privileged User Manager 2.2.2
Novell Privileged User Manager 2.3.0
Novell Privileged User Manager 2.3.0
Recently upgraded from NPUM 2.2.x to NPUM 2.3.0
Transactions are enabled in Command Control
When editing a Command Control Rule with Transactions enabled AND before you commit the transaction, the name of the rule appears as the following (from within the GUI)
"[type Function],[type Function],[type Function],[type Function]"
Note: If you commit the transaction, ALL rules will be lost.
Also seen in the unifid.log
Warning, Failed to parse XML: XML parser error code: syntax error (2)
Transactions are enabled in Command Control
When editing a Command Control Rule with Transactions enabled AND before you commit the transaction, the name of the rule appears as the following (from within the GUI)
"[type Function],[type Function],[type Function],[type Function]"
Note: If you commit the transaction, ALL rules will be lost.
Also seen in the unifid.log
Warning, Failed to parse XML: XML parser error code: syntax error (2)
Apply NPUM 2.3.0-2 to keep this error from happening if transactions are enabled.
If on NPUM 2.3.0 with Transactions enabled, cancel the transaction, then upgrade to 2.3.0-2
If on NPUM 2.3.0 with Transactions enabled, cancel the transaction, then upgrade to 2.3.0-2