Applies to:Recon 3.7 and above.
The article provides detailed information about Recon's inventory process for Linux/Unix systems and troubelshooting steps for common failures during inventory.
PlateSpin Recon 3.7 supported platforms for Inventory and Data Collection ( Novell TID: 7920909 )
HOWTO: Inventory a Linux machine using non-standard SSH port (Novell TID: 7005706 )
Note: The Inventory Plugin is a set of Inventory executable files and some of it’s dependent libraries sorted on the Recon server in folders in the following default location:
C:\Program Files\PlateSpin Recon 3.7 Server\plugins\Inventory
5. If the /tmp folder is mounted with the ‘noexec’ option then the Inventory will fail. If this is the case then the /tmp folder needs to be modified to allow execution of scripts.
6. During the Inventory process the scripts assume that various dependencies are available depending on which Inventory Plugin is used and the dependencies’ package is assumed to be in a default location. Is it’s located anywhere else, you will need to create links to the package files in order for our script to use them.
Script Dependancies
If the Inventory script fails then a dependency may be the problem. The following steps can be used to confirm the dependencies of the used Inventory executable:
1. Contact PlateSpin Support to get the getPlatform script and FullInventory.xml file to troubleshoot Linux Inventory issues.
2. Once you have the getplatform script from support, download the script to the /tmp folder on the Linux/Unix system in question.
3. Run the following command to allow the script to run:
chmod +x /tmp/getplatform
4. Run the script using the following command to find the output which the getplatform script thinks you have:
5. Once you have the output of the getplatform script, this tells you what release of Linux/Unix the script thinks the installation is.
6. Navigate to the following folder on the PlateSpin Recon server:
C:\Program Files\PlateSpin Recon 3.7 Server\plugins\Inventory
7. Navigate to the sub folder which the getplatform script thinks the Linux/Unix system is.
8. Create a folder called ‘inventory’ in the /tmp folder of the Linux/Unix system so you end up with the following folder:
9. Copy both folders found in step 8 above to the folder /tmp/inventory created in step 8 above.
10. Copy the 'FullInventory.xml' to the '/tmp/inventory/bin' folder.
11. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the following folder:
12. On the Linux/Unix server navigate to the following folder:
13. Run the following command to allow the executable to run:
chmod +x Inventory
14. Run the following command:
./Inventory FullInventory.xml out.xml log.xml
Note: If the executable fails then you may be missing a dependency and should use the following steps to determine the dependencies of the executable on your Linux/Unix system:
a. Run the following command:
ldd /tmp/inventory/bin/Inventory
b. If any dependencies listed are not available or in a different location then you will need to make soft links to these dependencies for the script to work.
c. For example of step 15 part b above would be if the zlib package is installed in ‘/usr/local/lib’ instead of the expected location of ‘/usr/lib’, then run the following command:
ln –s /usr/local/lib/libz.so.1 /usr/lib/libz.so
15. The command in step 14 above will generate two XML files. The out.xml file will contain the information that the Inventory executable was able to gather about the system. The log.xml file will contain a log file of the script’s attempt and should include any errors that can be used to trace down further problems.
For Solaris: Sometimes on Solaris, during this process, the log.xml will be created but not the out.xml. In this case you need to make sure that log.xml does not contain any errors.