ZENworks 11 NCC link does not allow proxy

  • 7007640
  • 21-Jan-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management


In  ZCC > Configuration > Novell Customer Center there is no option to set a proxy.


This is fixed in version 11.1 - see KB 7007641 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.1 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support
In 11.1 and later, use the following steps to set the proxy for NCC:
  1. Make a backup of this file lpm-server.properties.
  2. Modify lpm-server.properties as follows.  (This file is self-documenting.  If clarification is needed, read the file itself for help.)  This file contains settings for both NCC and subscriptions proxy.
  3. To use the same proxy for both subscriptions and NCC:
    set the subscription-proxy* entries for the proxy information.
    set useNCCViaProxy to true .
  4. To use a different proxy for NCC only:
    Uncomment ncc-proxy* settings in lpm-server.properties
  5. To disable proxy for NCC:
    set useNCCViaProxy to false

Additional Information

What is the requirement for Novell Customer Center (NCC)?
This feature registers the zone with Novell Customer Center.  The registration supplies the name and operating system information about each of the SuSE Linux servers in the zone to NCC so that from NCC one can see the SLES servers that are installed for licensing purposes.