Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 1
Novell GroupWise Monitor Agent
Novell GroupWise Post Office Agent
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Accessing Monitor Agent through its own web page from a PC.
Click on the Reports link, then Connected Users will generate partial connected users list.
The Connected user list will not complete because the Monitor Agent crashes.
Fixes have been checked into GroupWise 8.0.2hp3, please apply the latest code.
Rename special characters such as: &, ", <, > ' in resource or user names.
Rename foreign characters such as: é
Fixes made:
It is believed that the special character such as a & or ampersand, are now being translated into XML correctly.
Additional fixes for foreign, or extended character set characters, are currently unavailable.
Additional Information
The GroupWise Post Office Agent is not properly escaping special, foreign, or extended character set characters.
When the improperly escaped characters are translated into XML, it causes corruption in the XML being processed by the Monitor Agent.
When the Monitor Agent parses through the corrupted XML data, it triggers the Monitor Agent to crash.
Troubleshooting step:
Run the following command from a Linux terminal prompt against the POA's http port(default of 7181):
wget http://<ipaddress_of_POA>:<POA_http_port>/conn --user=<http-user> --password=<http-password> --no-check-certificate --header="Accept: <there is one space here> text/xml"
This will create a file called "conn" in the local directory where the command prompt was ran from.
Example: GWLinuxServer:~# --user=admin --password=novell123 --no-check-certificate --header="Accept: text/xml:
In this example the file would be created in my root directory.
The conn file can be opened up in a notepad or browser. To verify that the character is corrupt such as the extended character é, the file when opened up in a browser will show where the problem is. In FireFox, it gave a indication of the line and column, but did not show the actual character, where Internet Explorer will do something similar. Then open up the conn file in a text editor and the file should show the corrupt character. In a couple of instances, it was still difficult to see where or what the character might have been.