Use the 4.91 SP5 login GINA on Windows 7

  • 7007528
  • 10-Jan-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Client for Windows 7
Novell Client for Windows Vista


Is it possible to present the "classic" login screen (as seen on the Novell Client 4.91 for Windows XP/2003) on a Windows  7 / Windows Vista machine running the Novell Client 2 SP1 for Windows?


It is not possible to see the Windows 5.x-style logon UI when logging into Windows 6.x, either with our without the Novell Client installed.
This is one of the Windows 6.x changes related to eliminating "GINA DLLs", and requires that any Microsoft or non-Microsoft logon UI which intends to help the user login to Windows must conform to the new Windows 6.x Credential Provider model.  By design, the Credential Provider logon UI is not "free form" like it was with GINAs.