Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
Unable to add user or configure user on the device, after adding to both the groupwise and mobility connector.
Login to WebAdmin (https://IPAddressOfMobilityServer:8120).
Click Mobility Connector (mobility).
Set the Authentication Type to ldap or groupwise as the case may be.
If the Authentication Type is set to LDAP, make sure that the LDAP Server Address and LDAP Port is set correctly. If the Authentication Type is set to GroupWise, make sure that the GroupWise POA SOAP URL is set correctly. The value of this field can be copied from the GroupWise Connector Settings if needed.
Click Save Custom Settings.
Restart DataSync by typing "rcdatasync restart" and press Enter.
Make sure to use the correct password for Authenticating from Device (LDAP or GroupWise).
If LDAP Password is being used and it still fails, try resetting the password from ConsoleOne or iManager. Also make sure that the Password is not expired by right clicking on the user account in ConsoleOne and click Restrictions | Password Restrictions | Date and time password expires. If It is, please change the password or change the Date and time to the future date.
Authenticate user from device.
Also make sure to check the Server Name/DNS Name while configuring account on the device.
Additional Information
/var/log/datasync/connectors/default.pipeline1.mobility-AppInterface.log shows the following error
/var/log/datasync/connectors/default.pipeline1.mobility-AppInterface.log shows the following error
Invalid Password
2012-04-27 01:50:48.109 DEBUG_VERBOSE [Device_Thread-29] [DeviceInterface:1095] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [Server] Failed to Authenticate user user25
Password Expired
[userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] Password expired for user cn=user25,ou=gw,o=my - returning failed authentication
2012-04-27 12:37:10.215 DEBUG_VERBOSE [Device_Thread-15] [DeviceInterface:1093] [userID:user25] [eventID:] [objectID:] [Server] Auth time = 0.01 seconds
2012-04-27 12:37:10.215 DEBUG_VERBOSE [Device_Thread-15] [DeviceInterface:1095] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [Server] Failed to Authenticate user user25