Setting up the online update for Data Synchronizer

  • 7007452
  • 04-Jan-2011
  • 10-Dec-2013


Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack


Setting up the online update for Data Synchronizer.


  1. Login to Customer Center at
  2. Click My Products | Products.
  3. Expand "Novell Data Synchronizer".
  4. Look under "Novell Data Synchronizer Connector for Mobility" | "Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack" and check for the "Code". It should be 14 alphanumeric characters.
  5. Note down the code.
  6. Switch to the terminal session on the Mobility Server and type "suse_register -a regcode-mobility=FAC3D3F3C4b550 -a email=EmailAddress -L /root/.suse_register.log -d 3 "
    Replace FAC3D3F3C4B550 with the correct registration code noted in step 5 and change the EmailAddress to the correct email address.
  7. Type zypper up -r nu_novell_com:Mobility-1.0-Updates on a terminal.
  8. Once the above is complete, type /opt/novell/datasync/ and press Enter.
  9. Type rcdatasync restart and press Enter.