Novell Identity Manager Role Based Provisioning Module 3.6
Novell Identity Manager Role Based Provisioning Module 3.6.1
Novell Identity Manager Role Based Provisioning Module 3.7
Novell Identity Manager Role Based Provisioning Module 4.0
When iManager is configured to run in the iFrame portlet, it does not display
the left frame of iManager, for example you can see the main body of iManager
but you do not see the Roles and Tasks frame in the left column.
This is not an issue within the User Application. iManager is a set of
iFrames, so when you wrap it within an iFrame it behaves incorrectly.
Here are the steps to get Tasks from iManager into the User App with an iFrame.
Enable contextless login for iManager
Setup RBS so that users have proper access to the iManager tasks – see iManager Documentation for more information.https://www.novell.com/documentation/imanager26/index.html
1. Login to the User App as your portal admin
2. Administration Tab – Create a New Page (bottom left).
- Give the Page a name and assign it to a category.
3. Go to Portlet Admin and register a new instance of the iFrame Portlet
- Scroll down to the IFramePortlet and Click it
- Register New Portlet Instance - call it something meaningful (e.g. iManagerTask)
- Expand the IFramePortlet by hitting the plus sign and click the new portlet you registered.
- Settings - change the display name and localize as needed
4. Go back to Page Admin and select the new page that you created
5. Click the link "Select Content” from Page Tasks (bottom right)
6. Add the portlet you just registered.
7. Hit Content Preferences and set the following values:
- URL: You have to go into iManager and copy the URL from the task that you would like to iFrame into the User Application. The example below is for the Queries task for Auditting and Logging
- URL/Form Parameters: username=$PORTLET_AUTH_ID$
tree=DNS or IP of your Tree
(you have to hit add link to setup multiple parameters)
- Encode URL parameters: True
- Form Post?: True
- Authentication Required?: True
- Username: ${Application/login-user}
- Password: ${Application/login-pass} (Use Scope Path)
- Width: 100%
Now Be sure to hit Save Preferences and Save Contents otherwise you will lose your changes.
7. If everything is saved properly, you will be back at the Page Admin page, do the following:
- Select Layout
- 1 Column
- Save
8. Arrange Content - make sure your portlet shows up. By default it should be setup automatically.
9. Assign Permissions - Uncheck "View Permission Set to Admin Only" and assign it to the appropriate users or groups – Save
10. Test by logging in as the appropriate users.