Syncing old emails/calendars items with Mobility

  • 7007389
  • 15-Dec-2010
  • 10-Dec-2013


Novell Data Synchronizer 1.0
Novell Data Synchronizer Connector for Mobility
Novell Data Synchronizer Connector for GroupWise
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack


How to sync older emails with Mobility Pack
Data Sync does not sync old emails


There are many settings that defines how many days old emails/calendar items will be downloaded to the Device
  1. When user is added to the Mobility System (GroupWise and Mobility Connector), Initial Sync takes place. Intial Sync pulls down the following from GroupWise to the Mobility Database
    • Email message for the last 3 days
    • Calendar items (appointments and reminder notes) from the last two weeks and all future items
    • Contacts from all Personal Address Books excluding the Frequenct Contacts
  2. If older items are required (emails older than 3 days or Calendar Items older than 2 weeks), there is an option on most of the devices to sync the number of days worth email/calendar items. Some devices have an option to select All or No Limit, which means that it will try to download everything. If the number of days is changed on the Device, Mobility Connector will pull down old emails/calendars based on what was selected on the Device. However, there is a hard coded limitation on Mobility Connector for 60 days old email and 1 Year old calendar. Therefore, even if the device is set to No Limit, the device can pull down emails only up to 60 days old email or 1 year old calendar.
    • If the limit on the device is set to anything more than 3 days, the Sync State will change from Synced to Syncing-Days+ and Mobility Connector will start pulling older emails. Once the older emails have pulled down as per Device's Limit, the Sync State will change back to Synced.
  3. In the GroupWise Connector settings, there is an option "Ignore Events After", which means what old items it would ignore. By default it is set to 30. Therefore, even if the Device requests for All items, only emails older than 30 days will be downloaded. This option can be modified and can be set to 60. This means that the GroupWise connector can request for mails older than 60 days which in turn mean that the Device can get mails upto 60 days old on the Device. If this option is set to anything above 60, it would not work because there is a hard code limitation of 60 days in the Mobility Connector.
  4. If the device has set to No Limit for the mails and GroupWise Connector is set to 60 days, the device will download mails up to 60 days old. Emails older than 60 days will get deleted from the device.