Unable to view Build number in browser after update to 183

  • 7007313
  • 03-Dec-2010
  • 10-Dec-2013


Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack Update 1


Unable to view Build number in browser after update to 183. It shows Build number 0 at the bottom of browser.


Steps for Resolution
  1. Open Browser type URL for webadmin for Datasync.
  2. You will see login page for webadmin. At bottom of browser you will see "Novell Data Synchronizer: 1.0 Build 0".
  3. Open terminal. Type "rcdatasync stop " and press Enter to stop the datasync services.
  4. Type /opt/novell/datasync/update.sh .
  5. cat /opt/novell/datasync/version file to make sure it shows the correct version that was applied.
  6. Type "rcdatasync start " and press Enter.
  7. Open new browser type URL for Data sync webadmin you will see Build number 183 at bottom of browser.