User assigned bundles fail to deploy

  • 7007309
  • 03-Dec-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 3 - 10.3 Bundles


User assigned bundles do not run.
User assigned bundles are not available in the Nal Window.
User assigned bundles do not show in the Zen Agent Properties Bundles. 
Device assigned bundles deploy.
Zen Agent properties displays the user as not logged in.
Workstation zmd-messages.log reports Error: Exception: Java heap space.


Remove all bundles assigned to the user.  Assign bundles back one at a time and test to see if the problem re-occurs.
1.  In ZCC go to the relationship tab of the user.
2.  Record for your information then delete each bundle.
3.  Assign a simple bundle to the user.
4.  Restart the workstation or refresh the agent and verify the bundle worked. 

Additional Information

In one case a customer had 30 bundles assigned to both the user and the users folder.  A problem bundle assigned to the user caused the Exception.