ZDC shows mismatch in table ' ZINSTALLATIONPACKAGE'

  • 7007141
  • 03-Nov-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 3 - 10.3
Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management


When running the ZENworks Diagnostic Center Database Verifier (ZDC) to verify a ZCM 10.3.x installation is ready for upgrade to ZCM 11, the following error is seen.
ERROR: Mismatch in table ' ZINSTALLATIONPACKAGE' structure.
Object type: [Column], Object name: [PLATFORM]
EXPECTED: [Name: PLATFORM,  Size 255, Type: VARCHAR, Nullable: true]
FOUND: [Name: PLATFORM, Size:32, Type VARCHAR, Nullable: true]


The difference between expected and found is the size of the Column.  The column size can be changed by running the following for the correct database type.
alter table zInstallationPackage modify Platform nvarchar(255)
alter table zInstallationPackage alter column Platform nvarchar(255);
alter table zInstallationPackage modify Platform varchar2(255 char);

Additional Information

Because there is no upgrade path from ZCM 10.3.2 to the shipping version of ZCM 11.0.0, any fix included in a System Update will not help if the upgrade is from ZCM 10.3.0 or ZCM 10.3.1 to ZCM 11.0.0. Therefore, if this issue is seen, this manual fix is required in order to upgrade to ZCM 11.0.0