DBCopy segmentation fault when running storelowercase option.

  • 7007127
  • 30-Oct-2010
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2
Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1


DBCopy causes a segmentation fault when running the storelowercase option.
GWCheck also crashes when running the storelowercase option.


There is an entry in the guardian that does not belong. In one instance of this there was a user.db (such as you would find in a caching or remote directory) in the guardian. There was also a file in the OFUSER directory called user.db. To fix this, the user.db file in the OFUSER needs to be removed from the OFUSER directory. Next, from GWCheck, run a structural rebuild of user.db to drop it from the guardian. Details on how to do this are found in TID 7006236.
After removing the database from the directory and the guardian dbcopy can proceed normally.