Workflow does not complete due to non-conforming password

  • 7007069
  • 18-Oct-2010
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager 3.6.1
Role Based Provisioning Module 3.7




The following steps illustrate the workflow process:
  1. A workflow for creation of a new user or modification of an existing user object allows the user to enter a password to be stored in the Identity Vault
  2. The password entered by the user is not checked against the password policy applicable in the Identity Vault.
  3. The user submits the workflow and the object is not created/modified correctly in the Identity Vault.

Looking at the workflow comment and flow history, the workflow engine has reported an error as below:

Error:javax.naming.NamingExcpetion:[LDAP:error code 80-NDS error:no additional information available(-16008)];remaining name 'The intended DN of the user object in the Identity Vault is listed here'


Include a validation script that, when clicking the Submit Action and prior to submitting the form, the script reads the password policy rules and compare the password entered with the password policy. If the password does not conform to the policy, prompt the user to re-enter the password with the password policy requirements and submit the form only if the password is compliant.