Error Processing Message: [8210] in POA logs

  • 7007062
  • 18-Oct-2010
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 7


"Error Processing Message: [8210]" shows up in the POA log.
Error 82. missing attachment in GWCheck log for files in specific directories.
"The database facility reported error [8210] on ngwguard.db" in the POA log.
8210 error pops up in the GroupWise client when sending a mail message.


The 8210 error is an "Attempt by the file system to create a unique file failed."

In the post office offiles directory, there should be 256 folders. However, after a migration to a new server we have found one of these directories got created as a file. For example the FD12 folder was created as a file. Thus when the POA tries to deliver mail to the post office and create a blob file in the FD12 directory it gets an error attempting to access the FD12 folder.

Delete the file and the folder will be recreated when the POA is restarted.