Busy Search does not display the information icon (i) for a user with Proxy rights after a move

  • 7007045
  • 12-Oct-2010
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8


Busy Search does not display the (i) information after a user move if the user has proxy rights
Busy Search does not display the (i) icon for the user after a user move
Information (i) icon missing while doing a Busy Search
Moved the user from one Post Office to an other Post Office


The (i) icon appears to the left of the username or resource only if the users have proxy rights to the user and have read rights to the appointments. This allows the user doing the busy search to click on a scheduled time or on the individual Scheduled tab to display more information about the appointment.
After a user has been moved from one Post Office to an other Post Office, the (i) icon cannot be seen thus not allowing the user to see more information about the appointment. This has been Reported to Engineering


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

Steps to Duplicate:
  1. Create a domain called DOM1.
  2. Created 2 Post Office called PO1 and PO2.
  3. Now create a user in PO1 called user1.
  4. Now create a user in PO2 called user2.
  5. Login as user1 and click Tools | Options | Security | Proxy Access.
  6. Add user2 and give user2 read rights to Appointments.
  7. Login as user2 and perform a Busy Search on user1 using Tools | Busy Search.
  8. Once the Busy Search returns the information, notice the (i) icon on the left of user1. Click on any Scheduled Appointment and more information about the appointment can be seen.
  9. Now move user2 to PO1.
  10. After the move has been completed, login as user2 and peform a Busy Search on user1. Notice that the (i) icon is missing and the more information about the appointment cannot be seen.