Missing “Configure TCPIP” and “IP Address Management” tab under Manage Server in Remote Manager

  • 7006934
  • 27-Sep-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare Remote Manager


Missing “Configure TCPIP” and “IP Address Management” tab under Manage Server in Remote Manager.


  1. Edit "Sys:\System\inetstrt.ncf" file to make sure that the file contains the entry as below:
    load tcpstats.nlm
    load nirman.nlm
    load ipmfg.nlm
  2. inetstrt.ncf is automatically loaded during the loadstage5, If this does not load automatically then edit "Sys:\System\Autoexec.ncf" make any entry at the bottom of the file to load the inetstrt.ncf.
  3. Logout of the NetWare Remote Manager and Login again to view the missing options “Configure TCPIP” and “IP Address Management” tab under Manage Server.