Error: "Container <LDAP context> is invalid" is displayed when running iprint_nss_relocate script

  • 7006826
  • 09-Sep-2010
  • 29-Apr-2013


Novell iPrint for Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2


Executing the iprint_nss_relocate script displays error: "Container <LDAP context> is invalid".
iprint_nss_relocate script fails.


LDAP and/or Linux User Management is not working properly.  You can verify this by doing the following:
1. Launch a terminal and login as root.
2. Execute "namuserlist -x <LDAP context to your server container> ".
3. The error "Can't contact LDAP server" will be seen.
Solution #1:
1. At a terminal type the following commands:
     a) Recreate LUM certificate
         #namcomfig -k
     b) Restart namcd
         #rcnamcd restart
     c) Flush namcd's cache
        #namconfig cache_refresh
Solution #2:
1. Edit the value for "preferred-server" in the /etc/nam.conf to another server other than the current one.
2. At a terminal type the following comands:
     a) Recreate LUM certificate
         #namcomfig -k
     b) Restart namcd
         #rcnamcd restart
     c) Flush namcd's cache
        #namconfig cache_refresh