After an update of webaccess, the old version is still being displayed

  • 7006814
  • 10-May-2012
  • 01-Jul-2013


Novell GroupWise 2012


After an update of WebAccess to a newer version, in WebAccess about still the old version is being displayed.
On the server a "rpm -q novell-groupwise-webaccess" will show the new version.
The server is running SLES11 SP1/SP2 or OES11.


This issue is resolved in GroupWise 2012 Support Pack 1.


The preinstall script should remove the webapps/gw directory, but this is failing for SLES11 and OES11.

To solve this version, perform the following actions on OES11:
rcapache2 stop
rcnovell-tomcat6 stop
remove or rename the directory: /var/opt/novell/tomcat6/webapps/gw
rcnovell-tomcat6 start
rcapache2 start
To solve this version, perform the following actions on SLES11 SP1 or SLES11 SP2:
rcapache2 stop
rctomcat6 stop
remove or rename the directory: /srv/tomcat6/webapps/gw
rctomcat6 start
rcapache2 start


Reported to Engineering