Firewall Filter Migration with BorderManager 3.9 using "filtsrv migrate"

  • 7006715
  • 24-Aug-2010
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell BorderManager 3.9 Support Pack 1
Novell BorderManager 3.9


1) Make a backup copy the filters.cfg file and put it in a different location for safe keeping, then put a good copy of it in SYS:\ETC folder.
2) Turn off Packet Forwarding - FILTCFG | configure TCP/IP Filters | Packet Forwarding Filters - DISABLED  (This step is important.)
3) Type "unload filtsrv" - (there may be some other NLMs that need to be unloaded first, so unload them too, but make sure filtsrv is finally unloaded, before going to the next step.)
4) Delete all filters in the NBMRuleContainer from within ConsoleOne, but do not delete the container.  (The NBMRuleContainer should now be empty.)
5) Type "filtsrv migrate" at the console.
6) Now type "unload filtsrv", then load filtsrv again by just doing the command "filtsrv".
7) Check to see if the filters have migrated from filters.cfg file into the NBMRuleContainer in ConsoleOne.  (The NBMRuleContainer should now have the filters that migrated from the filters.cfg file.)
Note: If the filters are not migrated make sure that there is a good copy of filters.cfg file in SYS:\ETC and try the above steps again. 
If the filters have not migrated to NBMRuleContainer, the filters.cfg file is most likely corrupted and starting over from scratch by configuring the default filters, and adding all other filters manually by hand will be required.)
8) Type "reinitialize system" and then Enable packet forwarding in FILTCFG and check to see that the filters are working.