Corrupt AD local profile prevents SecureLogin from loading

  • 7006706
  • 23-Aug-2010
  • 31-May-2012


Novell SecureLogin
Windows Active Directory


SecureLogin stops running after login attempt
SecureLogin won't load in AD mode
SecureLogin stops running on a workstation with a corrupted local profile.


Fix #1:
Delete the local NSL cache.  The local cache will be recreated the next time the user logs into the directory. 
On XP, the local cache is located at C:\Documents and Settings\<user profile>\Application Data\SecureLogin\Cache
On Windows 7 the local cache is located at: C:\Users\<user profile>\AppData\Roaming\SecureLogin\Cache

Fix #2:
If Fix #1 does not resolve the problem, delete the local profile by doing the following:

1.  Login as local Administrator (not as a Domain user).
2.  Right click on "My Computer" -->Advanced -->Settings of User Profiles --> Delete local profile of affected user."
3.  Restart workstation and a new profile will be pulled down from AD. 

If the issue persists with a fresh profile from AD,  then the corruption exists on the Active Directory side.  Additional additional troubleshooting steps must be taken to determine the scope of the problem (clear SSO data, try a different user in the same container, try users in a different container, etc.).