Mismatched agent CASA and AuthToken cause login failure

  • 7006646
  • 16-Aug-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 3 - 10.3 Authentication


After improper update, agents can no longer login.
ERROR (from zmd-messages.log ):
[CommonCasa] [] [AuthToken.ObtainAuthToken returned a null or zero length token.]


Go to http://[zenserver]/zenworks-setup/?pageId=tools and download zenworksinfocollect_win.zip
Extract MSILIST.EXE from this tool. This will show all the installed MSIs on the system.
run zac zeninfo (see https://www.novell.com/documentation/zcm10/zcm10_utils/data/bb15p2z.html#bi8ee7b )
and look at systemInfo\InstalledMsis.txt
go to Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs, locate CASA, and click "Click here for support information", and locate "Novell CASA Authentication Token Client", and click "Click here for support information"
In 10.3.1 these versions should be:
Package Name: CASA.msi
Version: 1.7.1613

Package Name: authtokenclient.msi
Version: 1.7.1630

If the authtokenclient.msi was not updated properly, uninstall and reinstall this MSI.
If the agent was installed from 10.3.1 package, it may be that the package is incorrect:
Confirm that the ZENworks_home/downloads/msi directory is correct on the server, and that the CASA and authtokenclient MSIs match the installed system update.
If they do not show the correct MSIs, try running zman surp (see https://www.novell.com/documentation/zcm10/zcm10_utils/data/b74pt40.html) to fix. This should move the proper files to the download location and rebuild the agent packages.
If the problem only shows on updated agents:
If the files on the server are proper but individual agent installs are out of date, confirm why the authtokenclient.msi failed to update in the system update logs on the device.