Linux User Management iManager plugin does not populate the security equal to me on the group object for the user(s) provisioned.

  • 7006634
  • 12-Aug-2010
  • 06-Aug-2014


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2


Some users are provisioned to have Linux attributes (i.e. LUM enabled).  Upon checking the LUM-enabled group they were assigned to, they were listed as a member but were not in the security equal to me list.


Upgrade the LUM plugin to 2.2.020100901 or later:

     LUM plugin version:- LinuxUserManagement Module    2.2.020100901

Additional Information

Two work arounds are:
  1. to manually add the "security equal to" value to the group
  2. to remove the user from the group and re-add them