Failed to register agent: an I/O error occurred communicating with Vigilent

  • 7006605
  • 07-May-2012
  • 18-May-2012


NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager 5.8.2


NetIQ Security Agent for Windows returns Failed to register agent: an I/O error occurred communicating with Vigilent://machinename:1622 (IP address) when I try to run a report. 


Install Hotfix 73282 for the NetIQ Security Agent for Windows on the server after applying any updates or service packs to the windows agent.


The applied service pack overwrote the certificate hotfix that was previously installed and returned it to a non valid certificate. 


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Installed SCM 5.8 then applied hotfix 73282 to the NetIQ Security Agent for Windows.  Then applied Service Pack 1 or 2 to the windows agent.