Novell Cluster Services
Novell DHCP
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2
After configuring a clustered dhcp resource (on an NSS volume), the following error is encountered in /var/log/messages during load of the resource (and startup of the dhcpd daemon):
ERROR: Can't backup lease database /media/nss/VOLNAME/var/lib/dhcp/db/dhcpd.leases to /media/nss/VOLNAME/var/lib/dhcp/db/dhcpd.leases~
When trying to follow the resolution instructions below, the following error may be encountered:
As per the documentation, section 8.3.3 item number 9, the volume must have hardlinks enabled. To do this, all cluster nodes must be current, active members, and must be at the same software patch level (NSS). Then the following commands need to be run:
- nsscon
- nss /ZLSSUpgradeCurrentVolumeMediaFormat=<volumeName>
- nss /Hardlinks=<volumeName>
- Offline and online the resource
If the above were executed correctly, and took effect, then the following commands should execute without issue:
- cd /media/nss/volumeName
- touch testfile.txt
- ln testfile.txt testlink.txt
- unlink testlink.txt
- rm testfile.txt