Viewing Dynamic Leases Under The DNS/DHCP Management Console

  • 7006450
  • 14-Jul-2010
  • 12-Mar-2019


Novell DHCP Management Console
Open Enterprise Server 2018 (OES 2018) Linux Support Pack 1
Open Enterprise Server 2015 (OES 2015) Linux Support Pack 1
Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux Support Pack 3
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3


Starting with OES 2 SP 3, administrators can view DHCP leases utilizing the DNS/DHCP management console; however, before doing so one of the following errors or messages may be encountered:
  • Configure the "DHCP server IP address" to view the leases
  • Configure the "omapi-key" setting of the DHCP server object to view the leases
  • Configure the following DHCP server settings to view the leases: DHCP Server IP address, omapi-key
  • ERROR: DHCP server connection failed


To address the "DHCP server IP address" portion of the message(s), do the following:

  1. Launch the DNS/DHCP management console and login to the server (NOTE:  Novell Client is no longer needed with the latest versions of the DNS/DHCP Java Management Console)
  2. Click on the 'DHCP (OES Linux) tab toward the top of the console
  3. Find the DHCP Server object at the bottom of the console and select it
  4. Toward the top-right hand side of the console select the GENERAL tab and find the section called DHCP SERVER
  5. Click the ADD button and enter the IP address of the DHCP server
    • NOTE:  If doing this step on OES 2 SP 2 the buttons may be greyed out.  This is due to the schema not being extended.  This option is officially supported on OES 2 SP 3 ***
  6. Click on the SAVE button toward the top, left-hand side of the console (looks like a floppy disk)
To address the "omapi-key" portion of the message(s), do the following:
  1. The first step in addressing this issue is to create a TSIG key if one has not already been created.
    • NOTE:  At the time this TID (Technical Information Document) was created, the secret for the TSIG key must be a multipe of four (IE 4, 8, 12, or 16 characters long).  If it is not DHCP will not load.  For instance, if the key's secret is set to SECRET then DHCP will fail to load as the secret is not a multiple of 4 (in length); however, if SECRET12 is used instead, then DHCP will load as the secret is now a multiple of four in length.
    • NOTE:  If a TSIG key already exists, and was created before support pack 3, it may be necessary to delete and recreate the key.  Otherwise, only DHCP statistics will show up, and the leases will not.
      1. Launch the DNS/DHCP management console and login to the server (NOTE:  Novell Client is no longer needed with the latest versions of the DNS/DHCP Java Management Console)
      2. Click on the 'DHCP (OES Linux) tab toward the top of the console
      3. Highlight the SERVICE object (assuming it has already been created) and click on the CREATE button located at the top, left-hand side of the console (looks like a 3-dimensional box)
      4. Select 'TSIG Key" and assign the KEY NAME and SECRET.  Keep in mind the note above regarding the secret to make sure the number of characters used in the secret is divisible by four.  The name of the key must be 16 characters or less.
      5. After hitting CREATE on the key the key should show up under the service object that was highlighted
  2. The second step in addressing this issue is to add the omapi-key setting itself
    1. While in the DNS/DHCP management console, and with the 'DHCP (OES Linux)' tab selected, highlight the DHCP SERVER object toward the bottom of the console
    2. Select the SETTINGS tab toward the top, right-hand side of the console (next to the GENERAL tab)
      • NOTE:  At this point the administrator should see a setting for the OMAPI-PORT already configured for port 7911.  If it is not there, the click the MODIFY button, find the setting, add it and assign it a port of 7911 (which is the default)
    3. Click on MODIFY and find the OMAPI-KEY setting (likely at the bottom of the list).  A drop down menu should appear after adding it, and a list of found TSIG keys should be presented.  Select the appropriate key
      • NOTE:  If the key doesn't show up at this point, review the steps above and create the key as specified
    4. Review the settings and make sure there is an OMAPI-PORT and OMAPI-KEY setting, each assigned a valid value
    5. Click on the SAVE button toward the top, left-hand side of the console (looks like a floppy disk)

At this point it may be necessary to hit the TREE REFRESH button located at the top, left-hand side of the console.  It is found next to the SAVE button.  Once the tree refresh is complete, expand the SUBNET and then the POOL to view any current leases that may be assigned out.  If one of the following errors is encountered, it is likely due to the fact that the leases file has not yet been populated with any leases.  This error should resolve itself once there is a lease to be found in the dhcpd.leases file on the server. It is also possible to recieve these errors if the key is invalid.  Things that invalidate a key are corruption, a key name longer than 16 characters, and a secret for the key that is not divisble by 4:

  • ERROR: DHCP server connection failed

If the leases still do not show up, and a server connection failed error is being reported when expanding the pool, it is possible that the dnipDNSDHCPServerVersion Class, which was extended through the schema (of SP 3), has not been assigned to the NCP server object.  To correct this issue open iManager >  SCHEMA > OBJECT EXTENSIONS >  select the NCP Server object and review the current auxiliary class extensions assigned to the server.  Add dnipDNSDHCPServerVersion.  Restart DHCP, exit and re-login to the DNS/DHCP Management console.  Leases should now be viewable assuming everything above has been completed.

NOTE: The 'omapi-port' and 'omapi-key' settings cannot be added, modified, or managed from iManager in any way at the time this TID was written.  This has been reported to Engineering.   The steps described in this TID should be completed from the DNS/DHCP Management Console.

Additional Information

***  Steps to extend the schema:

1. cd /opt/novell/sch
2. ndssch <username.context> dhcpschema.sch
3. Supply the password when prompted
4. Close and re-launch the DNS / DHCP managment console.