ZENworks 10 agent login failure due to miCASA Auth cache intialization failed

  • 7006427
  • 10-Jul-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management


ZENworks 10 managed agent devices fail to login.
ERROR (from CasaAuthToken.log):
[550-5E0] [12:19:47] CASA_AuthToken -InitializeAuthCache- End, retStatus = C7FF0001
[550-5E0] [12:19:47] CASA_AuthToken -InitializeLibrary- Auth cache intialization failed
ERROR (from zmd-messages.log)
 [DEBUG] [07/08/2010 12:19:13.121] [1360] [ZenworksWindowsService] [8] [] [CommonCasa] [] [ObtainAuthToken took exception: -939589631 System.Exception: -939589631
   at Novell.Casa.Client.Auth.Authtoken.ObtainAuthToken(String sService, String sHost, WinLuid luid)
   at Novell.Zenworks.Zmd.Common.CasaHelper.ObtainAuthToken(String SessionID, String RealmName, String Host, String& AuthToken)] [] []


These errors:
CASA_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL               -939589631
C7FF0001     // Call completed unsuccessfully
tend to indicate a problem with the agent miCasa install or setup.  Check that the Novell Identity Store Service is available and started.  In some cases, using repair on the CASA or Novell Casa Authentication Client  installs can fix the problem (Add/Remove programs or use msiexec to repair).   Otherwise see KB 7001250 for more information on how to install just the agent casa and auth token MSIs:  https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7001250