ZENworks Agent login fails due to miCASA parse error

  • 7006426
  • 10-Jul-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management


ZENworks 10 managed agents fail login due to CASA parse error.
ERROR (from CasaAuthToken.log):
[494-D6C] [13:36:45] CASA_AuthToken -GetAuthPolicyRespEndElementHandler- Un-expected state = 13
[494-D6C] [13:36:45] CASA_AuthToken -CreateGetAuthPolicyResp- Parse error 35
[494-D6C] [13:36:45] CASA_AuthToken -CreateGetAuthPolicyResp- End, retStatus = C7FF001F
ERROR (from zmd-messages.log):
 [DEBUG] [07/07/2010 13:36:49.092] [1172] [ZenworksWindowsService] [24] [] [CommonCasa] [] [ObtainAuthToken took exception: -939589601 System.Exception: -939589601
   at Novell.Casa.Client.Auth.Authtoken.ObtainAuthToken(String sService, String sHost, WinLuid luid)
   at Novell.Zenworks.Zmd.Common.CasaHelper.ObtainAuthToken(String SessionID, String RealmName, String Host, String& AuthToken)] [] []


Typically the Parse error 35 means that the agent miCASA has sent a a request to the CASAAuthTokenSvc on the closest authentication server but received unexpected response.
This could be due to invalid return due to misconfigured proxy, or invalid return from the CASA server due to configuration problems there etc.  In one case intruder lockout on the user attempting to login was seen to cause this error.