Read Only warning when opening a word-perfect attachment.

  • 7006352
  • 24-Jun-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1 Hot Patch 1


Read Only warning when opening a wordperfect attachment.

Additional Information

Steps to Duplicate
  1. Login as user from GroupWise client.
  2. Create a word document in Word Perfect office X5.
  3. Send wordperfect file with attachemtn to different user.
  4. When user receive it open the document.
  5. you will receive message as " This Docuemn (c:\Document ans
    settings\administrator\local settings\Temp\xpgrpwise\wpd_1.wpd) is in use or is
    specified as read only You may edit the docuemnt but save it with a new name.
    Continure ?
  6.  When you say yes it open docuemnt.