Default server profile still set to use https after switching to http

  • 7006327
  • 22-Jun-2010
  • 26-Jun-2012


Business Service Manager 4.7
myMO 4.7


Default server profile still set to use https after switching to http.
The Layout Portlet throws an XML parsing error.
The error shown in mymo.trc is:

ERROR com.mosol.servlet.LayoutRedirectServlet - Unable to connect to the remote
application server. Please ensure that the remote application is running and
the rmi port, rmi host, http host, and http port are configured correctly.
If you add a Managed Objects Server Profiles portlet and check the default
profile, you will see that the profile is set to use https even though the
server is set to use http.


The workaround is to create a new profile and set it to the default with web server protocol = http


Reported to Engineering