NetWare server is unable to obtain a server base license unit.

  • 7006293
  • 17-Jun-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 8
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2


The following error is seen on a NetWare server in a mixed NetWare OES2 Linux environment.
POLICY MANAGER - (5.00-089): Server XXXXX is unable to obtain a server base license unit. Connection to this server is NOT allowed, Ensure that licensing units are available and verify NLS operation. Error # C0001002

All replicas have been moved so that they are being hosted on OES2 Linux servers only.


The following message can be seen in the SYS:SYSTEM\NLSTRACE.OLD file, after NLSTRACE has been enabled:
205:NLS error:0xC000400E, (..\objects\ndscdb.cpp:6837).
205:    nlsAttachToRemoteLSP (static) 0xC000400E
205:NLS error:0xC000400E, (..\objects\ndscdb.cpp:6593).
205:Unable to find NLSLSP.NLM running on a server with a Master or Read/Write replica of the partition containing NLS:Publisher=Novell+NLS:Product=NetWare 6 Server+NLS:Version=650.Context.

To enable NLSTRACE use the following command on the server console:
set nlstrace=2

NetWare uses NLSLSP.NLM to find it's license, therefore it is needed that at least 1 NetWare server is hosting a Master or Read/Write replica of the partition containing the server license.