PlateSpin Migrate, Protect, and Forge migrating or protecting to an ESX server.
During a migration or protection job to an ESX server, the job enters an error state when attempting to create the VM with the following error:
Type | RequiresUserIntervention |
ReportCode | ESX3TaskFailed |
KB Link | http://support.platespin.com/kb2/login.aspx?errorCodes=ESX3TaskFailed |
Name | CreateVM_Task |
Reason | Invalid configuration for device '4'. |
Message | The CreateVM_Task submitted to the VMware ESX server failed: Invalid configuration for device '4'. |
This issue occurs when non-English characters are used in the .vmx or .vmdk files for the target server. This is a known VMware issue discussed here: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=1003866
To work around this issue, abort the job in error state and re-create it using standard English characters for the .vmx and .vmdk file names.