eDirectory 8.8 install on Windows 2008 fails with a Timeout Error.

  • 7006235
  • 07-Jun-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Windows 2008 R2 64 bit
 eDirectory 8.8.5


Installing eDirectory onto Windows 2008 (R2) creates the objects but eventually times out failing to complete with error message in NI.LOG:
Fatal:   The DS component of eDirectory failed to install correctly. The error
    received was: "The product installation has timed out waiting for
    DHost.exe to complete its task.". Please view C:\Novell\NDS\DSInstall.log
    for more detailed information. The eDirectory installation will now be
Fatal:   The eDirectory installation has terminated abnormally.


The Windows 2008 Firewall has port 524 blocked for inbound communication.  
Before reinstalling, clean the eDirectory objects (NCP Server, etc.) out of the tree, and cleanup the failed install on the server,  use the scrub script from TID 3004658 to clean up the Windows 2008 Server.
The install will complete successfully once port 524 is opened both directions.

Another option is to turn off the Firewall altogether.  To do this:
1- Access the Firewall under control panel.  It may show that the public and private profiles are turned off.  If not turn them to off.
2- Click on Advanced Settings and there will be three Firewall profiles shown:
     1- Domain Profile
     2- Public Profile
     3- Private Profile
Make sure all three of these profiles are turned off.  Most likely the Domain Profile will still be on. To turn off the Domain Profile you will have to click the "Windows Firewall Properties" link. Once all three profiles are off the install should complete.

In the future, if the Firewall needs to be turned on, make sure to allow ports 524, 636, 389, and 427 in order for proper communication to take place.