After 10.3.0 upgrade, the ZCM agent will log off the currently logged on user during initial refresh

  • 7006177
  • 02-Jun-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management


Those who applied the FTF"configure-" to the ZCM 10.2.0 servers, may experience an issue after upgrading to ZCM 10.3.0 in which the ZCM agent will log off the currently logged on user during the initial ZCM agent refresh.


  1. Run novell-zenworks configure.  If the version does NOT show 10.3 on the help, but shows something earlier, check for a bad configure jar.
  2. Remove"configure-" from the system. (Only configure-10.3.0.jar should be present.  There should not be any configure-10.2.x.jar files on a ZCM 10.3.0 server.)
  3. STOP all of the ZENWORKS services (Note services must be stopped prior to step 4).
  4. Run "novell-zenworks-configure -c InstallCATSToZENTomcatConfigureAction -Z"
  5. Note if you see any errors in the command run from step 4.  If so, check novell-zenworks-configure.log
  6. Restart the ZENworks services