Upgrading Devices with ZENworks Linux Management 7.3 from RHEL 4.8 to RHEL 5.4

  • 7006155
  • 31-May-2010
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management with Interim Release 2 - ZLM 7.3 IR2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Release 5.4 (Tikanga)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS Release 4 (Nahant Update 8)


How to upgrade a device from:
- RHEL AS 4.8 64-bit to RHEL 5.4 64-bit with ZENworks Linux Management Server installed
- Upgrade a device from RHEL AS 4.8 to RHEL 5.4 both 32-bit and 64-bit with ZENworks Linux Management Agent installed

Note:-  This situation is valid for RHEL 5.4 as well as RHEL 5.5


Upgrading a device from RHEL AS 4.8 64-bit to RHEL 5.4 64-bit with ZENworks Linux Management Server installed
  1. Before upgrading a device from RHEL AS 4.8 to RHEL 5.4, verify if the RHEL AS 4.8 device has a version of ZENworks Linux Management Server installed. If the device has a version earlier than ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management with IR2 installed the server must first be upgraded to ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management with IR2 or later (see TID 7003346"Updates to Novell ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management" for details of how to update to the desired version). For more information on how to upgrade to ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management with IR2, see the Upgrade chapter in the ZENworks 7.3  Linux Management Installation guide(https://www.novell.com/documentation/zlm73).
  2. If the ZENworks Linux Management Server on the device is configured with an Oracle database or an external PostgreSQL database, skip to Step 4.
  3. If the ZENworks Linux Management Server is configured with an embedded PostgreSQL database running on the same device, back up the existing PostgreSQL database:
    a. Stop all the ZENworks Services on both the Primary Server and the Secondary Servers by using the command
    zlm-config --stop
    b. On the ZENworks Linux Management Primary Server, log in to the database as a PostgreSQL user by using the command
    su postgres
    c. Back up the PostgreSQL database by using the command
    pg_dumpall > /tmp/postgre_dump
    d. Log out from the database as the PostgreSQL user and log in again as a super user.
    e. Stop the PostgreSQL services on the Primary Server by using the command
    /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
    f. Back up the configuration file /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf by using the command
    cp /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf /home/pg_hba.conf
    g. Move the directory /var/lib/pgsql/data that contains the server data by using the command
    mv /var/lib/pgsql/data /var/lib/pgsql/data.bck
  4. Shut down the RHEL 4.8 device.
  5. Use the RHEL 5.4 bootable media and upgrade the device from RHEL 4.8 to RHEL 5.4.
    For more information on how to upgrade from RHEL 4.8 to RHEL 5.4, see the RedHat installation guide (
    http://www.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5/html/Installation_Guide/ch-upgrade-x86.html). Note: The minimum version of RHEL 4  to upgrade is RHEL 4 Update 8. This version allows an upgrade to RHEL 5.4 or later.
  6. After upgrading the device  to RHEL 5.4, if the ZENworks Linux Management Server is configured with an Oracle database or an external PostgreSQL database, skip to Step 8. If the ZENworks Linux Management server is configured with an embedded PostgreSQL database running on the same device, then stop all the ZENworks Services on both the Primary and the Secondary Servers by using the command
    zlm-config --stop
  7. Restore the database on the RHEL 5.4 device:
    a. On the Primary Server, verify the status of the PostgreSQL database. If the PostgreSQL database is not running, start the database by using the command
    /etc/init.d/postgresql start
    b. Log in to the database as a PostgreSQL user by using the command
    su postgres
    c. Restore the database by running the command
    psql template1 -f /tmp/postgre_dump
    d. Log out from the database as postgres user and log in as super user.
    e. Restore the configuration file /home/pg_hba.conf by using the command
    cp /home/pg_hba.conf /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
    f. Restart the PostgreSQL database by using the command
    /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
  8. Restart the Primary Server and the Secondary Servers by using the command
    zlm-config --restart
  9. Since the RHEL upgrade breaks zmd functionality, to resolve it perform steps 10, 11 & 12.
  10. Create a file bundle and upload the file novell-zenworks-zmd-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64.rpm under the /tmp directory, rpm will be located under /data/packages/client/rhel-5-x86_64/
  11. Download the script server.sh from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=CKxtASGWWoU~ to the device on which the file bundle is being created. Use the content of the script to create a post install scriptable action . For more information on how to create Scriptable Actions, see the Creating RPM Bundles section in the ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management with IR3 Administration guide ( https://www.novell.com/documentation/zlm73/lm7admin/data/bwtzzvn.html)
  12. Apply the bundle to the device, and refresh it (the file bundle installs zmd and creates the broken link) 

Upgrading a device from RHEL AS 4.8 to RHEL 5.4 both 32-bit and 64-bit with ZENworks Linux Management Agent installed

  1. Before upgrading a device from RHEL AS 4.8 to RHEL 5.4, verify if the RHEL AS 4.8 device has a version of ZENworks Linux Management Server installed. If the device has a version earlier than ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management with IR2 installed the server must first be upgraded to ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management with IR2 or later (see TID 7003346"Updates to Novell ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management" for details of how to update to the desired version). For more information on how to upgrade to ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management with IR2, see the Upgrade chapter in the ZENworks 7.3  Linux Management Installation guide(https://www.novell.com/documentation/zlm73).
  2. Shut down the RHEL 4.8 device.
  3. Use the RHEL 5.4 bootable media and upgrade the device from RHEL 4.8 to RHEL 5.4.
    For more information on how to upgrade from RHEL 4.8 to RHEL 5.4, see the RedHat installation guide (
    http://www.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5/html/Installation_Guide/ch-upgrade-x86.html). Note: The minimum version of RHEL 4  to upgrade is RHEL 4 Update 8. This version allows the upgrade to RHEL 5.4 or later.
  4. Since the RHEL upgrade breaks zmd functionality, to resolve it perform steps 5, 6,7 & 8.
  5. On a ZENworks Linux Management Server, create a file bundle and upload the appropriate architecture rpm “novell-zenworks-zmd-7.3.2-0.0.0. <arch>.rpm ” under the /tmp directory, rpm will be located under /data/packages/client/rhel-5- <arch>/
  6. Download the script file client.sh from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=CKxtASGWWoU to the device on which the file bundle is being created. Use the content of the script to create a post install scriptable action . For more information on how to create Scriptable Actions, see the Creating RPM Bundles section in the ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management with IR3 Administration guide ( https://www.novell.com/documentation/zlm73/lm7admin/data/bwtzzvn.html)
  7. Edit the script so that rpm_name is the name of the rpm which was uploaded in step 5
  8. Apply the bundle to the device, and refresh it (the file bundle installs zmd and creates the broken link)