DirXML plugins are no longer work after applying the 65SP3VO.EXE patch for Virtual Office.

  • 7006130
  • 25-May-2010
  • 15-Jan-2014


Novell NetWare 6.5 SP2
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 for NetWare 6.5
Novell iManager 2.5
DirXML iManager Plug-ins


Upgraded iManager from 2.02 to 2.5.  Then installed the 65SP3VO.EXE patch for Virtual Office.
DirXML plugins are no longer work after applying the 65SP3VO.EXE patch for Virtual Office.
Clicking on DirXML plugins throws a System Error followed by a Java debugger screen.


The 65SP3VO.EXE patch is not designed to be installed on iManager 2.5.  It is only for iManager 2.02.  Virtual Office is no longer administrated from iManager 2.5.  Below is the
recommended Virtual Office Version matched to the appropriate version of iManager:

Virtual Office 1.3   -    iManager 2.02     -    Contained in NetWare 6.5 SP3
Virtual Office 1.5   -    iManager 2.5       -    Contained in NetWare OES

Upgrading to NetWare OES will allow iManager and Virtual Office to be upgraded to the latest version.  Once the upgrade is complete Virtual Office is adminsitrated via the following link:   https://ipaddress/vo  .

If the Virtual Office SP3 patch has already been installed on iManager 2.5 below are the steps to resolve the file mismatches:  

1.  In Imanager uninstall all the DirXML plugin modules via iManager - Configure - Module Installation - Installed Plugins.  Select all the DirXML modules.  There should be about 16 of them.  Then select Uninstall.

2.  Download the latest Identity Manager plugins from https://dl.netiq.com.  At the time this document was written these are contained in the file Nsure_Identity_Manager_2.0.2_Plugins.zip.  Just enter the file name into the Keyword field once on the page to locate the file.

3. Extract and install into iManager 2.5 using the supplied installation readme.

4. Bounce Tomcat so that the new plugins are recognized.  At the server console type " TC4STOP " .  Watch the logger screen until the process is complete.  The type " TOMCAT4 " .  Watch the logger screen until you see the message that Tomcat is listening on port 9010.
Other Troubleshooting TIDs: NOVL101448

Additional Information

Applying this patch to iManager 2.5 results in file mismatches.  It is very important that only iManager 2.5 compatible.

Formerly known as TID# 10097381
Formerly known as TID# NOVL101810