Password Self-Service not working after upgrading or installing iManager 2.5

  • 7006128
  • 25-May-2010
  • 15-Jan-2014


Novell iManager
Novell Modular Authentication Service (NMAS)
Novell eDirectory


Password Self-Service not working after upgrading or installing iManager 2.5


Identity Manager Password Self-Service functionality requires portal technology, which has been discontinued in iManager 2.5.

If you want to use the password self-service portal, use either Virtual Office or iManager 2.0.2 if you want users to have password self-service capabilities.
NOTE:  This does not affect the management of Universal Password or Forgotten Password/Challenge Response.  You can use iManager 2.5 to manage these services, but the portal that the user goes to if they have forgotten their password is no longer available in iManager 2.5.  To download the latest Password Management plug-ins for iManager 2.5, please visit and search for Password Management 2.0.2 plug-ins for Novell eDirectory for iManager 2.x.

Additional Information

There will be a new version of the Password Self-Service that will be available in the future...   If you have installed iManager 2.5 and wish to roll-back to version 2.0.2, see TID #10097068 - How to roll back from iManager 2.5 to iManager 2.0.2
Formerly known as TID# 10097187
Formerly known as TID# NOVL101604