Portlet configuration is reset on restart of BSM server

  • 7006072
  • 21-May-2010
  • 16-Mar-2012


Pre Conditions
- BSM build:
- Java: 1.6u18 x86


Steps to Reproduce
- Start BSM
- Go to Portalbuilder and create a portlet (e.g. an alarms portlet)
- Change the root element of the portlet from Enterprise to something else
(e.g. on an alarms portlet, change to an adapter)
- Save changes
- Stop BSM
- Start BSM
- Log in to Portalbuilder and check the portlet

Bug Description
- The portlet root element is set back to Enterprise. Any configuration changes
made to a portlet are reset on restart of Portalbuilder.


Installation instructions are as follows:
 NOTE** BSM 4.7 April Patch Bundle must be installed prior to installing the Portalbuilder configuration patch.
1. Install the patch using the normal patch installation process(please refer to the patch readme file, eg. java -jar xxx,etc.).  This includes upgrading the portal.war
2. O nce the install is complete, stop the Managed Objects services
3. In a command line or terminal, run the following command to update the database:
java -jar <install dir>/classes/HSQLPorletDataConsolidator.jar <install dir>/database/HypersonicSQL/business_service_dashboard.script
where <install dir> is the location of the base directory of the Managed Objects install. Note: The original database file will be backedup to:
<install dir>/database/HypersonicSQL/business_service_dashboard.script.bak
4. Start the Managed Objects services.