Business Service Manager 4.5
The formula.trc in the logs directory, will by default, de-duplicate a large number of identical messages.
For instance, if the message "Remote services stopped." was going to print ten times in the logs.
The log would instead print "Occurred 10 times - Remote services stopped." once.
The de-duplication can be problem when troubleshooting issues, especially when writing custom Formula scripts.
For instance, if the message "Remote services stopped." was going to print ten times in the logs.
The log would instead print "Occurred 10 times - Remote services stopped." once.
The de-duplication can be problem when troubleshooting issues, especially when writing custom Formula scripts.
Add to the file ../config/formula.custom.properties, if the file does not exist, create it, line:
Where 1000 is the number of duplicate message than need to occur before de-duplicate occurs.
You could make the value of the property, 1000 or any number that will allow you to troubleshoot your issue.
Where 1000 is the number of duplicate message than need to occur before de-duplicate occurs.
You could make the value of the property, 1000 or any number that will allow you to troubleshoot your issue.