Getting error" chown: `iprint:iprint': invalid group" When doing a migration on a cluster

  • 7005903
  • 05-May-2010
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for Linux Open Enterprise Server 2 Support Pack 2


Migration logs show error "chown: `iprint:iprint': invalid group " from a failed migration attempt.


The cause of this issue is that the group iprint is not located in the /etc/group file. This can be verified by running in a terminal with root access "ll /opt/novell/iprint/bin/idsd ". The group ownership will display 108 instead of resolving to iprint.

Steps to resolve the issue:

1. Open a terminal and login as root.
2. Type "echo 'iprint:!:108:' >> /etc/group ". This command will add the iprint group to the /etc/group file.