Capturing client-side logging

  • 7005893
  • 04-May-2010
  • 26-Jun-2012


Business Service Manager


BSM server-side logging is normally captured in log files, but client-side logging isn't.  This TID describes how to capture client-side logging when troubleshooting a client problem. 
Making the following changes will capture client log files on all clients that login to the BSM server, so this change is only appropriate for troubleshooting on a development or test system. 


1.  Locate the directory html/client under the BSM installation. 

2.  Edit the launch.jnlp file.  This is an XML file that sets parameters for the client

3.  Locate the following line and change the value to true.  This will turn on verbose logging.
     <property name="verbose" value="false" />

4.  Add the following lines after the line just changed.  Change the value FILENAME to the path and name of a file on the client where logging should be stored.

    <property name="log4j.rootCategory" value="DEBUG, A1" />
    <property name="log4j.appender.A1" value="com.mosol.util.LogInfoAppender" />
    <property name="log4j.appender.A1.LogInfo" value="FILE 'FILENAME.trc' SIZE 5000000 RENAME 'FILENAME.$datetime.trc'"  />
    <property name="log4j.appender.A1.layout" value="org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout" />
    <property name="log4j.appender.A1.layout.ThreadPrinting" value="false" />
    <property name="log4j.appender.A1.layout.ContextPrinting" value="true" />
    <property name="log4j.appender.A1.layout.CategoryPrefixing" value="true" />
    <property name="log4j.appender.A1.layout.DateFormat" value="ISO8601" />
5.  Save the changes to the launch.jnlp file. 
The next client started will log debug output to the file specified in step four. 

Additional Information

Although this change is made on the BSM server machine, the log is created on the client machine.  Make sure the file path selected in step four exists on the client machine used for testing.  For example, if the BSM server is a flavor of Unix but the client is a Windows machine, the file path will have to be a Windows file path. 
The properties added to the launch.jnlp follow the format of log4j, an Apache logging project.  There are many other available options documented on the log4j website.
When a new patch is loaded on the BSM server the launch.jnlp will be recreated, erasing the changes made above.  To keep these changes on a more permanent basis, make the changes to the launch.jnlp located in html/client/template as well.